Lost Ark

The Lost Ark is a no frills PLL glitchy octave fuzz. FREQ knob is pretty much self explanatory, the OUT knob is the main PLL output level control, OCT1 and OCT2 knobs control separately levels for one and two octaves down. The FILTER knob is where the fun starts especially when playing chords. This thing sounds killer on bass and guitar. You know you want to join the adventure!!!
Smaller 4.7" x 2.6" x 1.5" 125B sized enclosure, true bypass switching, common 9vdc "CENTER NEGATIVE" 2.1mm BOSS style power input and battery snap. Current draw 12mA. Power supply not included.
"Holy hell this thing is amazing! It’s the most straight forward and user friendly PLL I’ve ever owned or seen. It’s easy to get very useable sounds out of it but it can also get insane! Thanks for this!" -Taylor W. (North Carolina)
"Love it. This thing is nuts." -Christian Larson (Necrofier/Night Cobra/Venomous Maximus)
"I bought this without hearing a demo. I trusted you. You did not disappoint. Glitched out splattery fuzz madness, with consistent usable settings as well. Thanks.
" -Adam Y. (Oregon)
"I just bought the lost ark and i wanted to say….holy fuuuuuuck, i love this thing. Thank you so much for making it!!! -Ray D. (The Internet)